MergeMemory is a simple NFT collection celebrating the end of power-hungry proof-of-work era of Ethereum. All 5875 tokens were created along with the contract, right after The Merge.
(After 17 minutes, to be exact. Could have been sooner, but the spike in gas price was much higher than I anticipated. :) )
You can view the collection on OpenSea or Rarible. You can also see the contract and token on Etherscan.
To uphold the spirit of independence and decentralization, tokens can be traded not only on NFT marketplaces, but also directly through contract interaction. Use function getTokenPrice(tokenId) to see if a token is listed for sale. If a non-zero price is returned, the token is available for sale and you can purchase it by calling payable buyToken(tokenId) with the requested value in wei.
All tokens are initially offered only by the direct method and won't be visible on most marketplaces until the first transfer occurs. In other words, buyToken() initially works like paid minting, but instead of creating a new token, one of the 5875 tokens created 17 minutes after The Merge is transferred from the initial owner.